Wednesday 2 April 2008
Posted by Neugier

Angela, today is your special day and I hope it is one filled with celebration and deep happiness.
This is my prayer for you as you embark on the next chapter (year) of your life:
"You will be surrounded by and fully experience your Abba Daddy's perfect love for you.
You will have His awarness in every aspect of your life.
Your goals will become realities.
You will know His peace and the deep contentment
that comes not from the approval and or understanding of others, but from the realization that you are your Abba Daddy's baby girl. You are on a personal LOVE journey with Him and from Him alone you are choosing to learn to be all He intended for you to be before time began."
Angela, I love you.

Amy and family


Beth Hotchkiss-Yoder said...
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